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Museology Graduate Program Conference

Rethinking Museums: An Interdisciplinary Academic Conference

Sponored by The University of Washington Museology Graduate Program, the Learning for Leadership Council, and the College of Arts & Sciences.

May 3-4, 2007

Museums in the Seattle area are currently experiencing both rapid change and phenomenal growth. Nationally, museum attendance exceeds that of professional sporting events; museums are constantly being founded, remodeled, and restructured. What are the issues involved in the explosive growth, increased professionalisation, and changing expectations of our cultural institutions? We invite undergraduate and graduate students, university faculty, and museum professionals to submit papers or workshop proposals related to museological topics. Potential topics include rapidly evolving technologies, increasingly diverse communities, attracting new audiences, and new demands in collections care, conservation, interpretation, and exhibition.

Additional Info:
Please register at our website


Web Site:

Phone: 206 543 4922


Sponsor Address:

Museology Graduate Program
UW Box 353010
Seattle, WA 98195

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